If You Can Write at a 6th Grade level AND Have an Email List that Gets at Least 500 Opens…Then In 10-14 Days…
You Too Can Pull in $20,000 to $80,000 Each Time You Run Our PROVEN Rainmaker Email Campaign Selling BIG TICKET offers WITHOUT Webinars, VSLs or Long Sales Letters and WITHOUT One Phone Call or Single Strategy Session...
Here’s What You’re Getting: Access to the online version and live training of Big Ticket Email Mojo. You’ll be privy to the ONLY training on the planet that will give you the skills to sell big ticket products using nothing but EMAIL and a special order form.
In 8 short weeks...
As you log-in to your members’ area and follow along through each of the modules in Big Ticket Email Mojo and attend the weekly live training with Travis Sago you will...
- Discover The Missing Piece to Selling Big Ticket Without Hassle: You’ll get started making sales right away! And when you see the ONE missing piece to selling $500, $1000, $2000 and $5000 offers or more using ONLY email you may feel unstoppable. You can sell your own offer or someone else’s. Yes, Big Ticket Email Mojo totally works for affiliate offers too!
- Discover Your Big-Ticket Email Mojo Offer: If you’ve already got a lower ticket offer…You’ll see how to raise your offer to a Big Ticket price…AND have it sell EASIER than ever before.
- Create Buying Frenzies: With the “AHA!” Based Email Mojo Process you’ll own what could almost be called magic when it comes to persuading people to open their wallets AND hearts when they read your email without being a great writer and WITHOUT delivering a lot of content.
- Mother Nature’s RAPID Bonding Sequence: Your list can’t “hate you”, but if they are “unresponsive” don’t worry, Bonding Mojo warms them up to you again.
- BRING IN CASH WINDFALLS & Launch your first 10 to 14 day Rainmaker Campaign: You’ll start making sales in week one, but when you get to this training, you’ll start your 10-14 day Rainmaker campaign! Nothing against copywriters, but fancy techniques aren’t needed. You’ll be using simple 6th grade level writing here along with your secret weapon: The “AHA!” Based Email Mojo Process.
- Craft your G3 Order Form In 60 minutes Give or Take! … Listen to this module, then whip up your own G3 order form in about an hour. (You may be shocked as you watch the $500 to $5000 sales notifications rolling in… all from your email traffic sent straight to the G3 Order Form.)
- What to do if your campaign doesn’t go well: This may be the MOST important training in the course because most people GUESS when a campaign is NOT converting.
- Live Weekly Q and A: You’re getting the multi-million dollar offer crafting skill, help and support personally from Travis Sago. Every Wednesday at 3:00 PM Central, you’ll get together to brainstorm and answer any questions you may have, you’ll be working on your offers…and you’ll go deep into anything else you need to ensure your email campaigns successfully bring in cash and garner goodwill with your subscribers. (You’ll also have access to the recordings.)
- Dozens of Templates, Examples And Weekly FUNwork: As you’re moving along through each module, you’ll be getting access to dozens of profitable campaigns, examples and templates…You’ll use these templates and examples again and again to multiply your investment in the course.