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    1. #1
      LifeTime VIP Member

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      Default Duston Mcgroarty - Info Publishing 3.0 8-Week Coaching Program

      [NEW] 720,590 Searches Per Month At $0.06 Per Click

      I'm just gonna ask you straight up...

      (I'll tell you why I've been silent for almost an entire year in a sec.)

      Do you want to make a consistent, reliable income online?

      No gimmicks.

      No hype.

      No shenanigans.

      Just facts.

      Interested? Keep reading.


      So, why have I been silent for almost an entire year? One word.

      One big, fat, stupid, UGLY word.


      Early last summer (almost a year ago), depression hit me... and it hit me BAD.

      Many days I never got out of bed.

      There was one time I even ended up in the ER.

      Yeah. It was pretty bad.

      Long story short... I lost 3 of my profitable online businesses and I barely managed to save the other.

      I was pretty much left to start all over.

      You know, ignoring your businesses for like 3 months straight will have that effect.

      All in all, I came out of the whole ordeal alive, with only a few bruises to show for it and quite a few upset customers.

      (Founder's Club members and 24-Hour Salesman folks... you're still the first thing I think about every single morning. I won't be able to rest until you're taken care of. You're priority #1 for me STILL.)


      These last 4 months have been one heckuva ride.

      I've gone from the lowest point in my life...

      To consulting for some of the coolest 7-figure and 8-figure info-marketing businesses in the world...

      To now "rebuilding" and "restarting" my own info-publishing businesses back up from scratch...

      And I've been loving every minute of it.

      As my wife tells me on a daily basis...

      "I have my passion back."

      My passion for marketing.

      My passion for internet entrepreneurship.

      But most importantly...

      My passion for LIFE.

      So... how does this concern YOU?

      Well, in true fashion... I'm back to doing what I've always done...

      (Don't worry, I'll tell you more about this offer in just a sec.)

      But basically, what I do is...

      I SHARE while I BUILD.

      That's how 90% of all of my Internet Marketing training products have always been structured.

      As I'm building out my own businesses, campaigns, and/or email lists...

      I let a handful of lucky students tag along and watch exactly what I'm doing and I explain to them exactly WHY I'm doing it.

      So not only do they get to LEARN how to do it themselves, they get to see a REAL-LIFE example of it being built from scratch in front of their eyes.


      Well, because I personally learn best by example so I think it benefits people to see it applied to a real business without them having to risk anything but the small one-time investment I ask of them.

      Just like I said at the beginning of this email...

      No gimmicks.

      No hype.

      No shenanigans.

      And most of all...

      No THEORY.

      I've heard time and time again from my past students...

      "Duston, I love your trainings because you actually get into the weeds and show us how to do everything step-by-step!"

      "Duston, you're the only guy who actually SHOWS your online businesses and better yet, shares all of the ins and outs of why they work so well!"

      I've been doing these kinds of trainings since 2013.

      The last time I offered something like this was late 2022.

      When will I offer something like this again?

      Who knows.

      Maybe 3 months or 4 months.

      Maybe a year.

      Maybe never.

      As I've always said, these trainings aren't my "bread and butter". They used to account for only 10% of my income.

      This past year they accounted for almost 0% lol!

      Point is... I don't make offers like this very often.

      If you've got the dough right now, I'd suggest jumping on this before all of the spots are secured and/or time runs out.

      I have a fairly small email list (less than 5,000) but it's hyper-responsive.

      I've filled all 50 spots in the past for a $2,000 coaching program in less than 18 hours.

      Why am I saying all of this?

      To warn you.

      To keep you from pestering me a few days from now because you weren't able to secure a spot.

      This is NOT hype or some kind of marketing "jazz". It's just facts.

      Here's the deal:

      I'll just come out and say it...

      Affiliate marketing is dead.

      Do WHAT now?!

      Yep, you read that right. Dead as a doornail.

      Unless you already have an audience, an email list, or a following...

      Getting started in affiliate marketing is TOOOUUUGGGHHH.

      It takes some fancy footwork, mixed with a little luck, a decent chunk of change, and tons of time.

      Yes, TONS of time.

      The days of setting up quick and easy PPC ads to promote a Clickbank affiliate offer are over.

      If you wanna be an affiliate marketer...

      You gotta REALLY wanna be an affiliate marketer.

      You gotta go all in.

      Every. Day. For quite some time. Without seeing ANY profit.

      Doesn't sound very fun, huh? No.

      That's why I've transitioned away from affiliate marketing.

      It's a sad, sad day... am I right?

      Well, it's a chapter in my book that's done and over for sure.

      Here's what I'm doing instead:

      Back to the basics...

      Hardcore information publishing...

      Email list-building...

      Audience acquisition at its finest...

      Turning a profit the very first day my ads go live...

      WITHOUT writing a dang thing myself...

      WITHOUT creating any products myself...

      WITHOUT hiring any outsourcers, fiverr folks, or freelancers...

      WITHOUT wasting thousands of dollars on ads that don't work...

      WITHOUT writing insanely long email sequences...

      WITHOUT being a guru in the niche...

      WITHOUT coming close to any stupid social media crap...

      WITHOUT building ridiculous marketing funnels...

      WITHOUT spending a boatload of money on fancy software...

      WITHOUT doing anything anyone else is doing (REALLY)!

      You see, the good thing about being out of the game for close to a year is...

      It gave me a lot of time to think.

      And what I realized was this...

      I've wasted so much time trying to replicate other people's success...

      That I totally ignored my own knowledge, experience, and skills as an internet marketer.

      I simply got lazy.

      I looked at what other people were doing and just modeled them.

      Problem is, I assumed what they were doing was working for them.

      In reality, what I discovered was...

      They were doing the same thing I was doing...

      Copying someone else.

      It was just one big incestuous cycle.

      And then in December I started consulting for this 8-figure per company...

      I knew the guys from way back in my $25k/year mastermind group days.

      Their business model is so simple, literally ANYONE could do it...

      That is...

      Anyone with the right knowledge.

      Notice I didn't say experience. I said KNOWLEDGE.

      Knowledge can be quickly learned. Experience cannot.

      Better said...

      Knowledge can be quickly purchased. Experience cannot.

      I did the hard part already... I gained the experience to learn the knowledge.

      But I can just as easily transfer that knowledge to YOU.

      You get to skip the whole experience phase, if you so choose.

      Alright, this email is getting long... lemme land the plane.

      Next Tuesday, April 16, 2024, I'm starting a brand new 8-week coaching program where I'll be sharing all of this knowledge with you.

      It's called The Info-Publishing 3.0 8-Week Coaching Program.

      (I'll explain what 3.0 means in a second.)

      I'll be starting from the beginning... from absolute scratch, and showing you how to build your own info-publishing empire (yes, you can have more than one of these little businesses!).

      I already told you everything you DON'T need in order to do this above.

      If you have an internet connection and a device to access the internet...


      And, yes, all 8 sessions will be recorded for those who can't attend live.

      This is literally for ANYONE, but especially BEGINNERS.

      Beginners who want to start from nothing a build a consistent, reliable income online.

      Set all of your objections and excuses aside...

      I don't care if you're not a copywriter...

      ...or you don't speak English...

      ...or you don't have a usable Facebook or Google Ads account...

      ...or you don't have any experience or expertise to sell...

      ...or you don't have a big ad budget...

      ...or you don't have tons of extra time to work on this...

      ...I DON'T CARE.

      You know what they say about excuses, right?

      They're like bu--holes... everyone's got one and they all stink.

      Sorry. Couldn't resist, lol!

      In all seriousness though...

      There has never been a better time than RIGHT NOW...

      ...I'm talking about right now, April 2024...

      ...for YOU dive deep into this massive opportunity.


      Always is, right?

      This is a very limited, time-sensitive opportunity.

      This email is going out to 4,647 subscribers on my email list...

      Many of which are long-time subscribers and rabid buyers of my products.

      Plus, I'm capping enrollment. There are only 50 spots available for this 8-week coaching program.

      I'm doing this for two reasons:

      1. I don't want everyone and their brother seeing the niche(s) I'm in and thinking it would be cool to try and compete with me.

      To give you a better idea, check out the Google Search Ads keyword stats for one of my niches:

      720,590 monthly searches — average cost-per-click of $0.06/ea

      Yeah. Pretty sick.

      2. I want to keep the group small so I can devote enough one-on-one time to help each student with their business.

      I don't feel like I can do that with a group any larger than 50 people.

      So, it's first-come, first-served.

      The first 50 people to enroll are guaranteed a spot in the 8-week coaching program.

      On top of that, I'm closing enrollment on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 10:00 AM CST before the first session begins.

      Maybe the 50 spots will all be secured before then (highly possible) and it'll close well before Tuesday. We will just have to see.

      My advice? Secure your spot now while you still have a chance.

      How much is it?


      Remember, I said no gimmicks, no hype, no shenanigans.

      The price is $1,997 and it's worth every penny.

      That's the price it'll sell for after this 8-week coaching program is finished.

      However, because you're special...

      Because you're a "DM Insider" (DM = Duston McGroarty, duh)...

      I'm giving you a very special coupon code to use that will INSTANTLY knock off $1,500...

      Making your investment today just one payment of $497.

      Use the coupon code DMINSIDER to get an instant discount of $1,500.

      That coupon code also expires on Tuesday, the same time this offer closes for good.

      Secure your spot right now using the link below:

      YES! I Want To Secure My Spot Now!

      Remember, to use your coupon code DMINSIDER for an instant savings of $1,500.


      Dream big. Take action.

      Duston McGroarty

      P.S. Crap, I forgot to tell you what the "3.0" means. Not enough room here. I'll explain it all in detail in the first coaching session next Tuesday.


  • #2
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  • #3
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  • #5
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  • #6
    LifeTime VIP Member

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    Default Re: Duston Mcgroarty - Info Publishing 3.0 8-Week Coaching Program

    Thanks for the share

  • #7
    LifeTime VIP Member

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    Default Re: Duston Mcgroarty - Info Publishing 3.0 8-Week Coaching Program

    Kindly share link to download thanks.
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