Seolize is the tool the Website administrator, Website Analyst orWebsite SEO Expert needs to enhance the website and get better rankings in Google and Bing. Seolize can easily identify those parts of the website which need to be tweaked in order to achieve better search results.
Seolize offers the following features:
- Computes the top keywords like search engines bots identify the website
Runs sanity checks on the HTML Code
Traverses website links for any dead links
Analysis the website images
Checks your ranking on Google and Bing
Find backlinks pointing to your website from Google and Bing
Graphical Reports to easily chart your website stats
From author:
With KG included:
Some ready made licenses:
d3hNZVhteHQ0dW8weUxHVERnRlBnN1dYMklJdFVXNUVsQ2U0Rz ZtdDhwWEQ5cS80eW5sVzNQVFRHWHQwbjl4UDNRcnk1Um9qdGx qczQwWUtLNTl5a2c9PQ==
L2IzUXk5SlNKOWloa3IyRTFnZjNFN1V4Q0hKMmVJSVRmT1RVWk 1kajc0azM2QW1pclkzQTlCQnFtSjNWV09OMzFkRUtHek1EakN McDZmeURibXR5Tmc9PQ==