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    edollarearn edollarearn edollarearn

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Nov 2012
      Time Online

      Post How You Can Make Money Online

      Are you struggling to find the right information that will show you how you can make money online?

      If you answered yes, then you have found the right article.

      There are only two ways to make money with the Internet.

      1) Affiliate Marketing, selling someone else’s products and/or services.
      2) Selling your own products and services.

      Seems easy right, just find the right product to sell, one that people want, and presto you’re rich!

      That is of course, what a lot of sellers on the Internet want you to think. They will sell you the dream and take your money and leave you in the dark, about how you can make money online.

      Let’s show you the light, so to speak.

      The Internet is a numbers game. What I mean by that is, the more people that you get to come to YOUR web site, the more chance you have of making a sale. You can have the best site on the net and not make a dime.

      So, the question that people need to ask, is how do I get traffic to my site? There is only one answer to that, and it is MARKETING.

      Here’s a statistic that you need to know. 98% of people that start an online business fail! The 2% that succeed, have taken the time to learn how to market to people.

      Still want to learn how to make money online?

      Then, it’s time to start your education, on how to market on the Internet. You have three choices on how you are going to learn what you need to know.

      1) Trial and Error 2) Free Training 3) Paid Training

      I tell all my students, that the trial and error method of learning marketing online, is not the best method, but it does work. Let me expand on that point, when you start a marketing campaign, you need to start small and see what works, let us say, that you run an ad (free or paid) and it does not get any traffic, then you need to try a new ad.

      Once, you find one that works, then you scale up your campaign. So, as you can see, trial and error does come into play.

      But, until you have the basic foundations, of how to market on the Internet, you really have no understanding, of what you are doing. And, to be honest, that is how I started on the Internet, with no real understanding of the foundations, that I needed to have, in order to succeed.

      I don’t recommend that to anyone! Let’s get YOU the right foundations, and avoid the school of hard knocks.

      That takes us to free and paid courses. There are some really good free courses and some really bad free courses. The bad ones, will give you just enough information, to leave you with no real idea, of what you need to do. The good ones will open your eyes and give you direction.

      There is a link below to a great FREE course. This free course will give you the foundations, that you need, to move forward with confidence.

      Now, onto paid courses, the price tags of these, will run from $10.00 and up into the tens of thousands. Just like the free courses, there are good ones and bad ones. The trick is finding one that is not just going to take your money, but will deliver the information that you need.

      There is a paid course, that I recommend to my students, but ONLY after they have taken the time to go through the free course. Yes, the free course is that good! I had been marketing online for a while, when I came across this course. It opened my eyes, to information that I would have liked to have come across, when I started out.

      You will be able to access, the paid course, through the free course, but even a seasoned marketer needs to look at their own foundations, you may be surprised at what you have missed. So, unless you are making a six figure income already, you need to start with the free course and work your way up from there.

      In Closing

      If you want to learn, how you can make money online, then you need to learn how to market online. There are no short cuts. The people that go after the push button systems that are offered, become a part of the 98% of people that fail online. To become part of the 2% that succeed, you need to get the right education. I wish you all the best, with reaching your dreams.


  • #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Time Online

    Default Re: How You Can Make Money Online

    Well ! There are so many ways usable to make money online. Among all, i would suggest Reseller business is one of the easiest way to earn money via online. It is available at . Here, you need to create a reseller account before starting it. After that , you can sell domain,hosting plans,etc.and earn good money through it.



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