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      Arrow $100k FB Formula

      Single Mother Discovers A Fun
      Copy & Paste Formula That Banks Over
      $2,500 Every Week From Facebook
      Without Spending A Penny On Ads…

      LIVE PROOF: Screenshot Of Weekly Earnings From Clickbank:
      $2,500+ Every Week By Recommending
      Other Peoples Products On Facebook!

      MORE PROOF: Check Out These
      Mind-Boggling Amazon Affiliate Sales:
      Amazon Paid Her Over $40,000
      To Recommend Products
      On Her Facebook Pages!

      You DON’T NEED A Product, A List, Or Even A Website…
      Just 2 Hours A Day To COPY & PASTE Fun, Viral Content
      On Facebook Is Enough To Earn Over $2,500 Per Week!

      Dear Friend:
      How would you like to earn an extra $2,500 per week just by posting fun content on Facebook?
      Well that’s exactly what my good friend Katrina Mayors has been doing in her spare time over the last year. She doesn’t have a list, a product, or even a website… Just a simple money making method that she stumbled upon out of desperation.
      But Katrina was not always the expert Facebook marketer she is today, with the ability to generate over 10,000 fans to new fan pages in under a week
      In fact… When she started out, she racked up over $15,000 in debt by joining all of the Guru’s coaching programs and ‘testing’ Facebook ads.
      However, no matter how hard she tried, she could not make their methods work for her. It seemed like all these Gurus make their money selling coaching programs instead of practicing what they preach!
      One day, after seeing a negative balance in her checking account…
      Katrina Decided Enough Was Enough!

      She was gonna stop wasting her time with the penny clicks, t-shirt selling ,and all the other nonsense that the gurus kept trying to sell…
      And finally figure this whole Facebook marketing thing out for herself… with good old-fashioned hard work.
      She had no more money to spend on coaching, and certainly no money to spend on Facebook ads (her bank account balance was in the negative remember)
      And so Katrina started small, a single fanpage in a niche that she enjoyed… but also in a niche that she knew attracted people who spend money on quality products.
      Everyday she found fun content to post for her fans, and started reviewing products that she suspected her fans were already thinking about buying. This way, they would buy the products through her affiliate link, and she would earn a commission… Sometimes as much as 75% of the sale!
      Within a year, after tons of trial and error, Katrina was not only out of debt, but had amassed an impressive savings in her bank account:
      Katrina Made $172,876 Her First Year As A Facebook Marketer
      All By Following 3 Simple And Repeatable Rules

      Katrina’s Rule #1: Avoid niches that don’t regularly spend money online (just one small fan page in a ‘money niche’ can earn over $3,000 per month like clockwork)
      Katrina’s Rule #2: You must only post content from proven sources (Katrina never creates original content)… She spends about an hour per day copying and pasting content onto her pages AND has a ton of fun doing it, because her pages are in niches she is passionate about.
      Katrina’s Rule # 3: Promote affiliate products by giving a review OR offer CPA ‘coupons’… but ONLY at the right times to avoid looking like a spammer (Fans actually thank her for her product reviews and buy everything she recommends!)
      Following these 3 rules, Katrina earned a hands free income of $172,876! The best part… She did it all just by having fun finding, and posting cool stuff for her fans.
      The right posts will build a massive following on Facebook quickly:
      Here’s what this is all about: After dissecting Katrina’s methods and successfully testing it on my own business… We’ve taken everything that works and compiled it into an easy to follow, step-by step e-course.
      Just a heads up… This course has nothing to do with any of the following:

      • NO getting penny clicks or spending any money on Facebook ads

      • NO selling t-shirts or some other gimmick to fans

      • NO selling products in the internet marketing niche

      • NO going after trendy niches like dog training or sports teams that are short livd

      You Have Been Lied Too For Long Enough!

      This course gets straight to the point and walks you through setting up your first Facebook fanpage…
      …All the way to your first $2,500.00 week – without spending a dime on Facebook ads.
      No need for products, original content or even a website. Just follow along to get started from scratch, and earning your first affiliate commission in under a week (fast action takers can see their first commission same day!).
      Here is just a handful of what you are learning in this course:

      • How to get your first 10,000 fans in under a week without spending a penny on Facebook Ads – PLUS how to make sure you target an audience that will not only virally share everything you post… but will buy every single product you recommend, paying you a hefty affiliate commission (as much as 75% of the sale!)

      • Why Katrina ALWAYS Uses A Human Face on the profile pictures of her FanPages (and the 5 minute photoshop trick that is proven to stop your fans in their tracks and share anything you post!)

      • The ‘CPA offer contest’ method that earns you fast cash starting from your first Facebook fan (I’ll even show you which friendly CPA network I use to quickly monetize all of my fanpages… Best Part: They offer same day approval AND even accept rookie marketers without so much as a phone call!)

      • Leapfrog your posts to the top of every fan’s newsfeed with my ‘$0 engaged post’ strategy (this will even make your posts appear above other marketers who are paying for ‘promoted posts’)

      • How to use ‘product comparison’ reviews to convince your fans to buy high priced Amazon products through your affilaite link… (These fans are already looking to buy products and this method makes sure they do it through your link so you get paid whenever they buy)

      • How to create a ‘content scavenger hunt’ that excites your fans into a viral frenzy sending you more content than you can handle AND sharing it with everyone they know… (this one trick has grown some fan pages to over 100,000 fans from scratch!)

      Special Bonus: I have added an ‘advanced marketing’ section on how to double your Facebook revenue by building an email list. This section will teach you:

      • How to use ‘discount clubs’ build an opt-in list without having a website, free report, or anything of value to offer… Best part: subscribers on these list are HUNGRY for you to mail them daily affiliate offers and will thank you for the chance to buy from your links.

      • I doubled my opt-ins by giving visitors a ‘chance to win’ the free report instead of just offering it outright for their email – Use this one trick alone to double your opt-ins on every campaign AND make your subscribers hungry to read every email you send because they ‘won’ the right to see them.

      • The only 2 services you need for email marketing (HINT: Use these services and you do not even need a website, domain name, or hosting… Eliminate all the technical parts of online marketing.)

      The $100k Facebook Formula is the only complete marketing system for making $100k using facebook marketing with:

      • NO creating any original content or even products

      • NO spending money on Facebook ads… all of these methods cost $0 to implement.

      • NO need for websites, domain names, or any expensive hosting to deal with.

      Step-By-Step Instructions On Building Your First
      Facebook Fan Page To 10,000 Fans In Under A Week

      Now you may be thinking this is like some other product launch you’ve seen or cheap WSO product… However I can assure you: you have never seen anything like this before.

      This Is NOT Some Rehashed Collection Of
      Penny Click‘ Or ‘Get Rich Selling t-shirtsScams

      Forget The Lies That Mainstream
      ‘Facebook Gurus’ Try To Peddle

      …These are real, repeatable strategies that cost nothing to implement… Strategies discovered by a mom who was desperate enough to go through the trial and error of figuring them out.
      Listen… The $100k FB formula is not for everyone.
      If you are already making 6-7figures per year selling affiliate products on Facebook, then you probably don’t need this coaching.
      Likewise if you are an ad guru and have thousands of dollars to burn testing ads, than this also isn’t for you.
      And if you are the type of person who reads product after product and takes no action to improve your quality of life, you’re better off finding another more hyped product.
      However, if you are looking to make 6 figures using free Facebook marketing methods…
      Even if you think you have tried everything…
      Even if you are one of those (like me) who has a hard time just getting started…
      Then the $100k FB Formula is the only coaching for you.
      Imagine this: Waking up in the morning and immediately checking your bank account balance to see that you have made over $500 while you were sound asleep. Then spending just 2 hours copying and pasting content onto your fanpages to continue building your Facebook empire…
      …Then spending the rest of the day with friends and family doing what you love.
      You’re friends will likely ask you the same questions that Katrina’s friend would ask…
      Picture this: You, at lunch with your best friend, trying to hold back your smile when they ask: “How is it that you are making so much money, even though it seems like you are never stressed out or even working??
      The $100k FB formula will be our little secret.
      The only questions is… Now that your Facebook Empire is earning you a hands free income of over $100,000 per year… What will you do with all the free time you have, and whom are you spending it with?
      Here’s the deal: I have studied everything that Katrina did to build her 6-figure Facebook empire, and put together a system that anyone can use to duplicate her success.
      Katrina and I have compiled everything into a hard-hitting 41 page report… NOTHING is left out!
      This is an easy to read PDF that gets right to the point – a step-by-step set of instructions from building your first fanpage to 10,000 fans…
      …All the way to having YOUR first $10,000.00 month.

      OK… So how much is this incredible system and
      step-by-step instruction going to cost me?

      Look, if you were to join my coaching program where I teach this system it would cost you no less than $2,500.
      And this eBook version of my coaching will be selling for $97 on Clickbank.
      But you are not going to pay $97 today… Nope, not even close.
      You’re not even going to pay the ‘affiliate’ discounted price of $47.
      In this exclusive, 48 hour launch, you can have this entire system of making 6-figures on Facebook without using Ads or promoted posts…
      For just 1 single payment of $27
      Why only $27?
      Well for the next 48 hours, I am offering this amazing discount to help get Katrina’s name out there, and to collect testimonials from new marketers who have the desire to put this proven system into





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