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    edollarearn edollarearn edollarearn

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    1. #1
      LifeTime VIP Member

      Join Date
      May 2018
      Time Online
      5 Days 9 Hours 57 Minutes 10 Seconds

      Default Calvin Manik - Mentorship - Productized Path to 10k/month

      I’m launching an 1-on-1 mentorship program specifically for Agency owners and Solopreneurs who are:

      • burned-out from fulfilling and pleasing client demands
      • tired of learning “high income skills”
      • and are STILL stuck or have failed

      The goal is to help you reach at least $10k/mo within the next 3 months using the productized agency model.

      Here’s what we’re going to do:

      Setups and Offer

      I’m going to review your full situation, circumstances, skills, background, etc to find your unfair advantages.

      And I’m going to formulate an offer together with you based on this data so you are unique and no one can copy you.

      I’m also gonna give you a list of PROVEN offers and skills that no one talks about but working tremendously well for the few agencies offering it right now.


      I’m going to show you and help you come up with the exact cold email script specifically for your offer.

      I will tell you exactly what to do with Twitter/X for lead gen on top of Cold Emails.

      In the process of outreaching and testing, I will tell you exactly what to do to adjust and iterate.

      Landing page

      I will show you and tell you exactly what to put and highlight on your landing page based on specifically YOUR advantages and offers so no one can copy you.

      Sales Call

      I will show you my sales process and tell you exactly what to say in your sales calls

      I will prep you before going into any sales call and give feedback ongoingly on exactly how to improve your close rate.


      You will get access to a local Indonesia pool of qualified ready-to-work employees in ALL niches (23,000+).

      My Fortune 500 Recruiter and myself will immediately hunt for and handpick candidates FOR YOU specifically based on your offer, fulfilment, work style, etc. WHILE you start outreaching.

      By the time you have sales calls (or clients), you’ll have people ready to fulfil with no waiting gap.

      You won’t have to see a resume or application until they’re approved by us.

      All you have to do is interview the ones you like.

      Systems and Management

      I will show you exactly how to build systems, processes, procedures, and SOPs to remove you out of the fulfilment picture and have your agency run smoothly without your presence.

      Scaling - Shared Pool

      You’re going to get access to a network of productized agency owners where everyone (and you) can share employees to protect profits and margins.

      When you over-hire, share your employees with someone else and get paid to recover your margin.

      When you under-hire but urgently need extra capacity, you hire other peoples’ employees, to keep your client satisfaction and your MRR.

      How are we going to do all of these things?

      First, we are going to do an evaluation call, and I am going to create:

      • A 6 month roadmap specifically for you laying out every step to $10k/mo
      • A list of milestones for the upcoming 30/60/90/180 days
      • And I will break them down into daily action steps for you

      Here’s the Logic:

      • You do the daily actions
      • So you hit and accumulate the milestones
      • And ultimately leads you to hitting $10k/mo within 6 months

      You and I will be meeting at least once a week 1-on-1.

      (But if we need to meet once a day just to hit your goal - we will do that.)

      Throughout the process, I will give you ONLY the training material and action steps that are immediately relevant to you RIGHT NOW.

      Nothing else to distract you.

      I’m also going to give you due dates and deadlines to finish these items.

      And if you don’t do them on time, I will reach out, find out what’s stopping you, and solve the problem for you. So you can keep moving forward in the process.


      You will get direct access to me via Slack.

      You’ll get a private channel with just you, me, and my team.

      You’ll get public channels for each step of the process.

      • Lead Gen
      • Sales
      • Hiring
      • Systems & Management

      We will also have weekly group coaching calls on each step of the process (in addition to the 1-on-1 meetings).

      For any issues too complex to be resolved over Slack, you’ll be able to schedule a call with me anytime via Google Meet.

      We’re going to work together for 6 months.

      The goal is to get you to $10k/mo in 90 days.

      And you are GUARANTEED to hit at least $10k/mo within 6 months.

      Or I will give all your money back. No questions asked.

      I’m capping this at 20 students.

      The price will be doubled permanently once these 20 are filled.

      At the time of writing this, 16 people have already joined.

      I got 4 spots left.

      So if you are tired of…

      • doing fulfilment 24/7
      • learning a high income skill
      • only to get low quality leads
      • working in a model that cannot scale by nature

      And you want to be guaranteed to hit 10k/mo within the next 6 months as Productized Agency owner working less than 10 hours a week,

  • #2
    LifeTime VIP Member

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  • #3
    LifeTime VIP Member

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  • #4
    LifeTime VIP Member

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    Default Re: Calvin Manik - Mentorship - Productized Path to 10k/month




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