Many of us so-called grown ups are not truly adults at all. Chronologically you have gotten older but unless you heal the wounds from your childhood, growing into your full potential as an adult is challenging to say the least.

The hurt we experienced as a child stays with us as adults, and we keep acting out the same hurt unless we heal it and resolve it.

Your inner child resides in your unconscious mind and governs 95% of your emotions, thoughts and behaviors! It is a highly sensitive part of you that is constantly seeking safety, acknowledgment and love.

You were once a child and that child lives within you. YOUR INNER CHILD IS A REAL THING. Not physically but metaphorically real. It is a psychological reality, most seemingly “uncontrollable” feelings and destructive behavior patterns are related to this unconscious part of yourself.

But most adults are quite unaware of their inner child and this lack of conscious awareness is precisely where so many difficulties stem from.