Double Your Word Count Speed and Have Up To 10,000 Word Days!
The Key to High Word Count: Eliminating the Need To Think
The biggest secret to this is eliminating the need to think while you are writing. Why? Because when you stop to think, you slow down your writing. When you stop to think, you realize you can write it better – meaning constant back and forth between writing/thinking/rewriting – which again, slows you down.
How can you eliminate this need to think? You can do this in many ways and inside I show you how. It’s simple, fast and effective. In fact, one single change I will show you can almost double your writing speed alone – and that is before I utilize other tips and techniques!
“But Rob! If I eliminate my need to think, won’t my writing suffer?”
I didn’t say you need to eliminate thinking altogether. I just said you need to eliminate thinking while writing. Making this one single change will boost your writing productivity through the roof and I will show you how inside.
In fact, I will wager that your writing speed will not only increase, but so will your writing quality. That’s right – not only will you write faster but you’ll produce better material, based on what I will show you!
“But Rob! I’m a ‘seat of the pants’ writer…won’t this ruin my ability to write?”
No. I’m a seat of my pants writer too and the way I have changed my writing has improved dramatically. What does it involve that allows me to write faster?
A simple planning process, different than the way most people do it, enables me to quickly write. By working smarter, not harder, I have tripled my writing productivity.
At first I was only able to write 400 to 500 words an hour. I made one single change, a change I talk about inside, and that doubled my writing to over 1100 an hour on average. But I wasn’t happy with just that. So I discovered and experimented with other techniques, eventually pushing my writing speed all the way up to 1700 words an hour!
“Oh I get it. This is just about planning before you write. I already do that!”
Everyone plans before they write! That’s not what this is about. This is specific method, that is so simple and yet no one does it. Sure, everyone plots out a skeleton first. This is different.
But there is more than just one technique. This is a compilation of techniques, tips and advice that you can use to speed up the writing process.
Inside KD Word Blazer, You’ll Discover:
- The One Single Technique That Double Your Writing Speed
- How to Have 5,000, 7,000 or Even 10,000 Word Count Days!
- What the _____ Is, Why You Need It, And How to Achieve It!
- Improve Your Writing Quantity AND Quality By Making This Single Change
- Why You’ll Never Waste Time Writing/Rewriting/Scrapping/Writing Again!
- PDF Report: Contains Everything You Need to Understand All The Techniques!
- Video Example: I’m Including a Free “Over the Shoulder Video”, Demo’ing Exactly How I Utilize these Techniques On A Real, Live Book!
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