Here is what Tom Harvey had to say about Outsourcing Blitzkrieg 2.0
Finally, the resource we have been waiting for is back!!
I bought the first Blitzkreig and loved it, that has been my cheap outsourcing bible ever since and has saved me $$'00's, probably been one of the best purchases I have made on reflection.
You wouldn't believe the quality of some of these guys if you judged them on price alone - its great to have a resource which gives you actual decent, tested and trusted outsourcers as it saves wading through the tons of gigs and losing money on trial and error.
The list is comprehensive, no less than 13 main categories which break down into several sub-categories and covers pretty much every type of service that you would need. The bonus report is also a great resource, thought I was well versed in where to look for hiring, but have just got at least 3 new resources from there too.
Yes if you look at this in the cold light of day its just a list of outsourcers and where to hire them (Fiverr or otherwise), but if you think like that then you are missing a trick - this is a timesaver - it does the research for you, saves you $$'s in trial and error finding reliable, high quality people. For that I would happily pay the purchase price (and more!!) as just using one of these will save me that.
Included in this torrent are the following pdfs.
1. Outsourcing Blitzkrieg 2.0 - 181 pages
2. Outsourcing Blitzkrieg 2.0 Bonus Guide - 11 pages
3. List Gravity from Marcus Passey - 36 pages