Trendfund.com - Scalping, Options, Advanced Options [5 DVDs (MP4s)]
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Do you want to learn how to trade stocks like a PROFESSIONAL? Are you tired of being like typical investors who purchase a stock and then simply hold on to it, HOPING that it will go up?
Whether you are highly experienced or a rank novice, this is the course for you! Self-made millionaire Michael Parness started out with a meager bankroll and NO FINANCIAL BACKGROUND, yet taught himself to make money consistently regardless of market conditions. He has taught his "every-man" approach to thousands of students and can do the same for you!
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4 DVDs:
#1 Scalping to Win
#2 All in One Options
#3 Advanced Options
#4 Options and TA
Trendfund.com is the premier online community for serious traders. Born in 1999 by rags-to-riches millionaire trader Michael "Waxie" Parness, Trendfund offers subscribers 100% unbiased stock, option and futures market calls, research and education. Parness turned thousands of dollars into millions using his self-taught trend trading techniques and so can you in all market climates! Waxie recently authored the best selling book whose title epitomizes his direct, no nonsense approach to life and trading, Rule The Freakin' Markets, which he definitely does!
How Do You Find the BIG Trade?
In "SCALPING FOR WINNERS", Trendfund's Chief Technical Analyst, Michael "Tiny" Saul, will demonstrate how you can make high-percentage trades that often last only a few minutes! He'll show you how you can take QUICK PROFITS several times each day, without having to dedicate very much time. You'll learn to recognize profitable "set-ups" immediately, and cash in QUICKLY on these short-term plays.
Advanced Options Strategies
Presenter: Michael Parness
This class touches on intro to options and then takes it to an intermediate and advanced level never taught by us before. Practical applications for options and how to maximize PROFITS!
Topics include:
-Straddles that have the potential for 100+% gains...in a DAY!
-Stangles and when to play them!
-Options strategies for TRENDS!
-Using options for swing trades, as well as intraday Trends!
Whether you are a relatively new trader or a seasoned veteran, there's something for everybody in this informative lecture! Scott will cover everything from HOW an option's price is effected by volatility and time until expiration, right up to detailed strategies for using options to boost your portfolio. Topics covered include:
? How a stock's "volatility" effects options pricing
? Explanation of "time premiums"
? When to buy "in the money" options, as opposed to the more speculative "out of the money" options
? Using options for leverage, or even to hedge your account
? Taking advantage of FOMC meetings using "index options"
? Selling "covered calls" to protect your holdings AND generate income!
? Taking advantage of Earnings Season moves using "straddles" and "strangles"
? Bull Spreads and Bear Spreads
Plus Bonus Guest Speaker Jeff Copper 1 DVD:
Day Trading Strategies