Here's a review from a Stuart fan:
I think it's safe to say Stuart Lichtman is a hard-core off-the-chart genius that has dug deeper into human motivation than just about anybody I can think of. His concept of developing a "Successful Entrepreneurial Personality" makes perfect sense. Honestly ask yourself this question: How much money have you made using the information on this board Maybe the wiring between your ears is subtly sabotaging your "best" efforts. I've looked at the materials and I can say that there is some deep thinking here. It is not flashy. It is by far some of the best probing and introspection materials I've seen. If there is a way to make you conscious of thoughts and behaviors that may be holding you back, you are well on the way to overcoming them. Read the pitch below, and read SETChapterOne.pdf in the Week 00 - Intro folder. If these don't get you excited to start some of the hardest work you have ever done, skip it. There is nothing here for you. MY HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION