This is Wake Up Productive 2 from Eben Pagan straight from his membership site.
Eben has no sales copy but sales videos, which you can watch on his website.
In few words, Wake Up Productive is the best online training for Time Management and for some serious increase in productivity.
Here is one comment from his website:
So here's what wake up productive has done for me. I have seriously struggled with getting myself to move on the directions that I have wanted to go. I've made grand plans, and usually fail to consistently get them done.
I've searched all over the place far and wide for various methods and programs to really get myself to really manage my time.
I've probably used 10 different planners, palm pilots, pocket pc's, blackberries, gcal, Tony' Robbins Time of your Life, Personal Power 2, David' Allen's Getting Things Done, the life hacker hipster pda which consisted only of notecards, Oh lets not forget big rocks, Ferriss's minimum effective load and missing meetings, and various things I've found on productivity blogs. Interestingly enough, if you watch one of Eben's marketing videos for Mastermind, he takes you back into his library, and there is this ridiculous volume of books, and I'm pretty sure that Eben' has probably followed the exact same path as I have, although probably more in depth. Why reinvent the wheel, this guy has channeled a ton of effort into make this progam, and I think we should benefit from his diligence.
Mind you, all my efforts were definitely not in vain. I have certainly gotten a lot out of myself at my young age, but I think what really helped me turn the corner was this particular program. I truly wish that this was around when I was in high school, I could have been far more effective. It addresses things that are soooo very true to me, yet other programs completely ignore. I personally believe that the vast majority of the value that I have gotten from Eben's Mastermind program has been the wake up productive. I'm not even done with the entire program yet, and I have had some very substantial improvement in the way I operate. I'm actually very excited that he decided to spin it off into its own program, so that others can benefit from it.