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    edollarearn edollarearn edollarearn

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    1. #1
      :::::::: Moderator ::::::

      BlackHatX's Avatar
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      Arrow [$3 WSO] A Unique Instagram Business Model

      If I show you how to use nothing but free apps like Instagram (and maybe Whatsapp) to run a marketing business right from your smartphone - Would that help you?

      Are you looking for a new business strategy where there’s no competition and so, it’s relatively easier to get started?

      Do you want to try out offline business but you simply don’t know where to start from?

      Or are you one of those who though are interested in offline business but you hate cold calling and face to face communication?

      Well, do you know you can use social media in such a way that it involves offline marketing BUT without any cold calling or face to face talking?

      An offline business that you can run from ANYWHERE in the world.....

      Using nothing but Instagram?!

      So, do you want to know more about this little-known way of using Instagram?

      Call it an Online-Offline business hybrid... because that’s what it is.

      Few weeks ago a friend of mine started a side business buying medical equipment from eBay and selling it at a higher price. He wanted to sell more all over the country but he was short of budget so he was limited to selling to his local neighborhood only - you know door to door marketing and throwing pamphlets inside houses... that kind of stuff!

      He didn’t know ANYTHING about social media marketing, never tried it and never seen it before. He was so naive he never even used Instagram!

      You might think this would have spelled doom for his newly started eBay business, right?


      One day he created an account on Instagram, just because everyone was talking about how fantastic it is and how it’s the best photo sharing mobile app.. blah blah.

      He started following people right and left, while still getting hang of Instagram.

      Then one day while scrolling through his Instagram feed, he stumbled upon a business that was running right under his nose.

      Today he has already sold all of his inventory of medical equipments, using the same strategy that only few weeks back he discovered

      I studied this method in detail.

      I improvised it.

      And then I decided to write a step by step guide to show you exactly what this strategy is and how it’s done.

      This is going to be a short guide which you can read start to finish in less than 30 minutes and get started right away.

      So let me ask you this:

      What if I reveal a unique Instagram marketing model which no one has ever shared before on the Warrior Forum? Wouldn’t that be a great new addition to your online marketing business?!

      This is not in the WSO but something that just crossed my mind right now while I am writing this - heck, this Instagram business model can even be flipped for hundreds of $ on Flippa! I don’t know if this has been done before or not, not that I am aware of... perhaps because this is such a brand-new strategy.

      But why not? As you read this WSO you’ll know why it makes so much sense to flip it, because after all the method I show in this WSO will help you build an “asset”.

      So what’s the price of this WSO?

      This may shock you - but I am selling this WSO for only $3.


      Because I am simply “transferring” this information to you.

      This WSO would have been much more expensive if I were running this Instagram business myself.

      But I am not.

      Because I am already involved in so many other activities I just don’t have the appetite to start another business from scratch.

      But why should that prevent me from sharing this awesome business model with the rest of the world?!

      I believe that justifies the $3 price tag of this WSO (though it’s worth more than that).





  • #2
    Member Demeter's Avatar
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    Default Re: [$3 WSO] A Unique Instagram Business Model

    Thank you for sharing, I am gonna read it.



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