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      Arrow [FREE WSO] - Dracula's Guide to Siloing with WordPress

      Forget authority linking... forget guest blogging... forget curating... forget all that crap that people are trying to force-feed you
      To get in Google's Goodbooks and have them LOVING your site comes down to one thing – SILOING

      Yeah I bet you've heard about it. And I bet you don't really understand what it is. We're gonna fix that...

      Szia! (Hungarian for "Hey Dude What's Up?")

      My name is Istvan Horvath. You may have seen me around the forum. Especially when there's a thread about Wordpress. My early warning system alerts me - "Hey they're talking about Wordpress, dude – best get your butt over there".

      Yeah – I'm the Jimmy Hendrix of Wordpress. You might think I look like a silly old hippie but I probably know more about WP than anyone else in these parts.

      About thirteen years ago I was mucking around with basic blogs. Except we called them “online journals” back then. The software was a pain in the ass to use. It was cumbersome and complicated. I had to teach myself coding - perl, cgi and other crap like that.

      Then I met this 19 year old kid who had invented an open-source blogging tool/content management system. It was based on PHP and MySQL and ran on a web-hosting service.

      His name was Matt Mullenweg and he called his blogging system Wordpress. It was revolutionary. Even Matt didn't know how big a beast it would become.

      WordPress is currently the most popular blogging system bar none.

      It powers over 60 million websites worldwide.

      And there's a reason for that – its free and it's (relatively) easy to use.

      It also has the ability to be souped-up in a zillion different ways with the use of plug-ins.

      Know how many Wordpress Plug-ins there are? Me neither but it must be a lot. (I just checked – Wikipedia says 24,000)

      Now...Google loves Wordpress. Wordpress done right, that is. Here's where SILOING comes in.

      I have a treat for you. And it's No Charge. Gratis. F.R.E.E.

      I've just busted my balls writing this thing. I call it "Siloing for the New Internet Era". Yeah – sounds a bit dry doesn't it. My mate "The Copy Nazi" suggested I give it a snappier title. Like "Sex, Lies and Siloing"... or "Dracula's Guide to Siloing" - I do come from Transylvania, after all. But I've been living in Canada for many years. Sucking the blood out of it. Ha ha. Now there's an idea – maybe I should call this thing "The Bloodsuckers Guide to Siloing"?

      So what is this thing called "Siloing"?

      You know what a “silo” is, right? Those tall round steel or concrete towers you see all over the countryside. Farmers use them to store crops. Usually grains like wheat, barley and corn.

      Now let's imagine Farmer Bob... who's a bit of a dope... harvests his crops of wheat, barley and corn... and he's so out of it he just pours the three different grains in on top of each other. In the one silo.

      So when it comes time for him to market his crops... they're all mixed up. Doh!

      If a buyer only wants corn, he's going to have to sift out the other two grains. Obviously this is not good business. You idiot Farmer Bob!

      Now think of your website like a giant silo. With unsorted content – the “grain”, if you like, all mixed up. With links that shoot off in all directions and content arranged like a madwoman's breakfast.

      Visitors have to sift through a heap of stuff to find what they're looking for. Big waste of time and not a “good user experience” - as Google puts it.

      What you'll get is a big Bounce Rate – your visitors won't hang around to read your fascinating articles on “How to teach your budgerigar to sing” or whatever. You're making it too hard for them. And too hard for Google and the other search engines.

      Bottomline – you get hammered in the SERPS. And rightly so. It's 2013. Things have changed, Dude. We've had Panda/Penguin/Puffin algo update after algo update.

      (OK – there's no “Puffin” update. Just wanted to see if you were awake)

      Now imagine...

      ...instead of just one silo, dopey old Farmer Bob has three. One for each grain. Neatly labelled “wheat”, “barley” and “corn”.

      Makes things much easier. “You want corn? No problemo... here you go”. He no longer has to sift the other grains out.

      So... same for your website. Siloing arranges your content into different “silos”, according to topic and theme. Visitors can get what they're after quickly and easily. But most importantly – now Google loves what you're doing. They love it so much they reward you with better SERPS... you get more visitors... make a zillion dollars and retire to some tropical island where you suck on Mai-Tais while watching topless maidens dance in their grass-skirts all day long.

      Thank you siloing for making it all possible!
      Feedback from real readers:

      Originally Posted by GarryMSayer
      Essential reading. Many thanks, Istvan.

      Originally Posted by rob54

      Your report on the importance of why we should build sites with a silo structure is the most lucid report on the subject I have read.

      Originally Posted by mdrosenkrans
      Downloaded and went through the entire report because after a cursory search online I was thoroughly confused as to the whole silo site concept. After reading the free report, there is no more confusion. The guide provides an in depth look at what exactly a silo site is and how to go about creating one. I haven't yet made an attempt at building one myself but I did put his theme on my list of things to buy and test out (after I complete some other projects first).

      Just wanted to say thanks, this is one of the better free guides I've read!

      Originally Posted by AussieBob
      Thanks for the report and explanation about the concept of siloing.
      I have never really thought about the correct way to organize a wordpress site but after reading the report it is clear how important it is for people to find what they are interested in and also the search engine ranking of the site. I might be inspired enough to actually get around to starting my first site now , Better go look at wordpress themes and tutorials now...

      Originally Posted by 123andyt
      Hi Isthvan

      Thanks for the free report. I have read a number of reports on siloing and never quite got to grips with how I would setup my site in a siloed way. I think the trouble with the previous reports I had read was that they would set up their silos from post to post and recycle from the bottom of the silo back to the top and I just didn't see how I could do it that way. Your method seems much more "natural" and the way I would want to setup my sites so I think I am going to give it a go.

      Originally Posted by RobinInTexas
      Really great report Istvan the best way to take WordPress to the next level, from a boring blog to the first page on a site's target keywords.

      Originally Posted by johnbro
      I had heard about this silo thing before but never understood it fully nor was I able to appreciate the potential fully. Only now do I realize how much of an important part I had been missing out on. My eyes are opened now many thanks to you Istvan.

      Originally Posted by dertixo
      Excellent report. You did an excellent job of breaking down a complex-at least to me- subject and making it easy to understand. This is definitely one of those reports that should be read by anyone thinking about using wordpress.
      Now go grab your copy of “Siloing for the New Internet Era” (aka “Sex, Lies and Siloing”)

      After reading my sexy guide you'll be able to:

      • Divide your site into Google-friendly “silos” giving it more SERP juice.
      • Generate more traffic WITHOUT any off-site SEO.
      • Never worry about Google Updates again. In fact, every future update will hurt your competitors rankings, leaving you to scoop up their visitors.
      • Make your site easier to use, keep visitors longer on your site and have them coming back for more.
      • Do all of this quickly and easily – at no cost.

      Click the image below to get your copy!


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