Key Features of iPin Pro
- 2 color scheme: Light and Dark
- Responsive design
- Masonry + Infinite Scroll effect like Pinterest.com
- Frontpage lightbox
- Display popular posts based on likes, repins or comments
- Price tags
- Custom login and register page
- User profile and settings page
- Sideblog
- Twitter Bootstrap framework with Font Awesome
- Ads ready: top header, above/below photo in single post, 5 frontpage thumbnail slots
Social Functionality
- Users can create boards
- Users can upload images from computer or web
- Bookmarklet for easy pinning of images (support videos from youtube.com and vimeo.com)
- Users can Like and Repin other pins
- Users can follow other users and boards
- Email notification for likes, repins, follows, comments
- Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Embed, Email Friend button for easy sharing
- Facebook and Twitter login
Download Link Updated - 5-9-2013
Hidden Block (you must be registered and have 1 posts):
You do not have sufficient rights to see the hidden data contained here.