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      Thumbs up Michael Hauge – Hollywood Story Selling

      This Is Quite Simply the Most Comprehensive System You’ll Ever Find for BLOWING YOUR AUDIENCES AWAY with Great Stories!

      By the time you are done…

      • You’ll have learned the world’s single most powerful marketing skill.
      • You’ll connect more deeply with your readers, viewers and audiences.
      • Your prospects will see you as an expert—and trust you.
      • You’ll impact potential clients and customers with your words—and you’ll get them to take action.
      • You’ll make more money (a lot more) because your marketing messages will be more emotionally involving and persuasive.
      • You’ll help more people than you can imagine to solve their problems—and find the courage to change their lives.

      Here’s what you get in this comprehensive system…

      MODULE I:

      How to Find Your Perfect Story

      I often hear people declare, “I don’t have any good stories to tell,” or “I’m nobody special. No one would want to hear about anything I’ve ever done.”
      Well, believe it or not, you have an abundance of great stories inside of you. You just need to know what makes a story great—and it’s NOT because you’re a celebrity or that you’ve done something that made headlines.
      Many other entrepreneurs tell me the opposite complaint: “I have so many possible stories it’s impossible to find the right one!” But the solution to this issue is the same. Once you know the qualities of a great story, you’ll be able to quickly go through all your past experiences to pick the best ones.
      I don’t mean to boast (a phrase that means, “I really want to boast,”), but it usually takes me less than 10 minutes to find the hidden story inside any entrepreneur. (My record from “no story” to “great story” is just under 4 minutes.)
      As you go through MODULE I, not only will you find a perfect story (two perfect stories, actually), I’ll show you how to make certain it’s a story that will impact your target market, establish you as an expert they can trust, and make your prospects eager to work with you.

      MODULE II:

      How to Structure Your Story for Maximum Impact

      Have you ever sat through stories of someone’s summer vacation, listening to them yammer on about everything they saw and did, as you desperately try to keep your eyes open?
      Even worse, have YOU ever been in the middle of a story only to realize no one is paying attention? And worst of all, were you in front of an audience when that happened?
      The problem was not that those stories didn’t have the potential to be mesmerizing. They failed because like most stories, they were built wrong. And all those dreadfully boring stories, speeches and sales pitches you’ve had to endure were unbearable simply because the wrong things happened at the wrong time for you to FEEL anything when you heard them.
      In other words, they weren’t properly structured.
      The good news is that for you, the days of seeing your audience’s minds wander are OVER.
      That’s because there is a formula for structuring your stories the right way that guarantees your audience will be hooked—and will stay hooked until they give you your standing ovation at the end.
      In Module II, my 6-Step Success Story® process, based on the story structure you will find in every successful Hollywood movie you ever see, will take your audiences from falling asleep to the edge of their seats. These are the stories that will CAPTIVATE AND INSPIRE your followers and prospects while effortlessly growing your sales.


      How to “WOW” your followers with the Power of The Hero’s Inner Journey

      The #1 obstacle that stops your prospects from following your process and succeeding isn’t money, time, or skill. It’s FEAR.
      Maybe they’re afraid of failure, afraid of success, afraid of taking risks, afraid of being criticized or simply afraid of change. But one way or another, their fear is holding them back.
      But now you’ll have a powerful method for consistently helping them overcome the fear that prevents them from taking the action you want them to. And this is how you can touch—and transform—your followers most effectively.
      When you explore the deepest fears of the hero of your story, and take that character on an Inner Journey from fear to courage, your readers and audiences connect with that character at a deeper, universal level. And as they identify with that hero—whether the story is about you or one of your satisfied clients, they will overcome their own fear of taking the action you want them to.
      This is how you change the lives of anyone who watches, hears or reads your stories.
      In this module, you’ll be able to create stories that will identify and unlock your potential clients’ biggest fears. They’ll not only benefit from following your message, they’ll become life-long customers as well.

      MODULE IV:

      How to Write Your Story in 30 Minutes

      The last time you came up with a good story for your webinar, book or speech, how long did it take you to finish just the first draft? An hour? A day? A week? Are you still working on it?
      How much time did you waste staring at that blank page? How many times did you write a paragraph or two, then cross it all out because you thought it sucked? And how many times did you decide you should check your email first, telling yourself you’d get back to the story later?
      Painful, wasn’t it?
      Ask almost any great storyteller—in OR out of Hollywood—and they’ll admit that getting a new story from their head to the page is torturous.
      But suppose I told you you could easily complete that entire first draft in ½ hour? That’s less time than it takes you to watch an episode of Jeopardy.
      And you’ll do it every time you have a story to tell, using the Michael Hauge Story Map®. It’s a simple, fill-in-the-blanks template that takes all the key elements of your story (elements you’ve already identified in Module II), then lays them out in paragraph form, transforming them into the first draft of your story. (Some of my clients and followers tell me this is their favorite part of my system, because it makes the toughest part of storytelling so much easier.)
      You’ll have a short, well-structured story with an empathetic hero who hooks in your audiences, pursues a compelling goal, faces impossible obstacles, reaches a thrilling climax, and most of all, conveys your message.
      Even more important, as soon as you have your first draft, you’ll be excited about moving forward with your story, because the hardest part is over, and all that’s left is expanding and editing it to give it even more emotional impact.
      Not bad for 30 minutes’ work, right?

      MODULE V:

      Hollywood MAGIC

      How to Transport Your Readers and Audiences from Their Everyday World to the World You’ve Created—the World Where Their Success Lies

      By subconsciously transporting your readers from the real world they occupy to the world of your story, you’ll generate the laughter, tears and excitement that will elevate your storytelling from merely good to standing ovation great!
      You’ll be using the same tools and techniques—with the same simple language and style—that 7-figure screenwriters employ to get producers, stars and studios to green-light their scripts and turn them into blockbusters and award winners.
      Best of all, it’s this Hollywood magic that will persuade your readers and audiences to follow your advice, because you’ve already given them the emotional experience of becoming your hero, taking the action you want them to, and winning!

      MODULE VI:

      Bulletproofing Your Story

      How to Soar Past Your Competitors by Avoiding the Common, Deadly Mistakes That Can Sabotage Any Story

      Remember that first Hollywood job I told you about, where I got paid $10 each to read screenplays and give my opinions to the agent I worked for? Well one thing I didn’t mention is that almost every single one of those screenplays was awful.
      I don’t mean “awful” like a movie you didn’t like much. I mean “What were they thinking? Has this person ever even seen a movie before?” awful. This is why poorly-paid readers get hired—so highly-paid agents and producers won’t have to plow through these horrible scripts.
      But as painful as that 10-bucks-a-shot job sometimes was, it taught me more about what a screenplay SHOULDN’T do, and what great movies do instead, than anything else I could have done.
      And you know what my #1 discovery was? That all those bad scripts were bad for exactly the same reasons. They all made the same mistakes of story selection, character development, plot structure and style.
      And that’s just as true for stories that don’t work for business and marketing presentations. The same mistakes and weaknesses show up again and again.

      Sales Page:

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