Attention! This Book Will Make You Money: How to Use Attention Getting Online Marketing to Increase
Your Revenue (AUDIO BOOK) – Jim F. Kukral
Drive Web traffic and take your business into the future. In todays social Web
marketplace, attention equals revenue. When you direct more attention online
to your brand or business, you drive more long-term revenue. Regardless of who
you are or how small your business is, you can have a huge impact using free
Internet tools…provided you understand and correctly apply the latest techniques.
This is a good short speech that should hit home with a lot of people on this forum. I base this on comments I’ve received and just a lot the “fear” based mentality scattered around that I see. It will help get into your head that you can kick ass with the knowledge you ALREADY know. Watch it until the end, it’s under 10 minutes.
- Non Conformer
http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/0OPODPYL |