Would love to get this. The $497 plan.
Here is the sales page: https://www.viralecommastermind.com/...ermind98358904
Here is what's included in the course: https://www.viralecomuniversity.com/...-drop-shipping
Here is a short description about Noah Brewer:
My name is Noah Brewer.
My credentials are as follows:
$25M+ In E-Commerce Sales (Even mix of drop shipping & brands - paid advertising)
Owner Of 2 Multi 7 Figure Marketing Agencies
Real Estate Investor - Own & Manage 4 MultiFamily Properties - 14 Units
Over the years I have worked with thousands of people who do e-commerce. Through consulting, my agencies or just pure networking. Many have turned into people you now know as leaders & killers in the industry. I have invested hundreds of hours & hundreds of thousands of dollars into these connections. Cultivating, adding value, doing collaborations, travel buddying & breaking bread with some of the top e-commerce players in the game.